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6.6. iPhone Active Sync Setup

Here are the setup instructions:


  1. Go to Settings > Mail, Contact, Calendars > Add Account > Microsoft Exchange
  2. Enter in your full CALIBRE email address
  3. Domain is calibre (not case sensitive)
  4. Username is first.last
  5. Enter your CALIBRE domain password
  6. Enter any description of the account (for your personal use, Exchange is default, but you can make it CALIBRE or anything else you would like)
  7. Once you click 'Next' you will see it Verifying
  8. Another field will show up asking you for the server name, which is: mail.calibresys.com
  9. Click next again
  10. On the next screen, make sure Mail, Contacts and Calendars are set to 'On' then click Save
  11. Everything is done, but you will have to wait a few minutes while it syncs all of your Exchange items.

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