Home → General Policies & Procedures → SharePoint → Creating a Workflow on a Document Library
Creating a Workflow on a Document Library (Collecting Signatures)
1. Go to desired Document Library or create a new one.
2. In the Ribbon, select the Library Tab.
3. Go to Workflow Settings.
4. From the dropdown box, select Add a Workflow.
5. Choose your desired Workflow (in this case it will be Collecting Signatures, but the same applies to Approval workflows).
6. Name your Workflow.
7. Select the Task List you would like to associate with this workflow. (You may want to create a new Task list specific to your needs.) This will help you easily track your tasks associated with this library.
8. Select the History List you want to associate with this workflow. You can choose an existing history list or have a new history list created.
9. Select your Start Options. (When do you want this workflow to start?)
a. Allow this workflow to be manually started by an authenticated user with Edit Item Permissions.
i. Require Manage Lists Permissions to start the workflow.
b. Start this workflow when a new item is created.
c. Start this workflow when an item is changed.
10. Click Next.
11. Start assigning the recipients.
a. You have the opportunity to have the workflow assign to one person at a time or all at once.
12. Click Save.
13. If you selected to "Start this workflow when a new item is created", this will initiate the workflow and a task will be created. If you did not select it to automatically start, you will need to go into the item after it is added to the document library to start the workflow. This can be done from the drop-down edit button directly on the item. See below.
14. This will give you the opportunity to start the workflow on the item individually.
15. Click on the desired workflow affiliated with this document library.
16. Assign recipients.
17. Select Start.